Star Citizen 4.0 is a beautiful mess

Filed under News & Star Citizen

It really happened: CIG released Star Citizen 4.0 before the holidays.

Well, sort of.

You see, they opted to instead do a "Preview" release alongside the existing 3.24.3 version which is still available to play, and honestly? You should probably keep playing 3.24.3 for the time being.

I'm officially on vacation for the holidays (not that I actually celebrate anything, and plan on spending a good chunk of time working on my multiple side-hustles because I am a fucking workaholic and my GF hates me for it), and after fighting off a bout of nasty respiratory illness (children are little plague vectors that always manage to find a way to spread their joy/virii to the immunocompromised such as myself), I decided to play some SC 4.0.

I had played it in the PTU, and it was amazing aside from nerfing my Ares Inferno's guns (thankfully, they actually de-nerfed it when compared to 3.24.3 in the 4.0 release). Aside from a handful of bugs, it played well. Still, anybody who has backed SC for any length of time knows: PTU gameplay and full live release gameplay are two very different beasts, and 4.0 was no different.

I had maybe a couple of successful play-sessions with minimal bugs, but most of the time I was fighting pretty much every documented bug that you could. This includes contracts and chat not actually showing up, contract markers not showing, contacts not completing out, quantum travel sending you way off the beaten path rather than where you were wanting to go, quantum travel sending you fucking nowhere, being unable to restock/repair/refuel your ship, my goddamned Ares Inferno storage compartment not being closable or even accessed after using it once, and a really fun one: Not getting any sort of alert for missile locks or launches, which has killed me more than a few times.

Still, I love Star Citizen, and am just going to attempt to be patient while I wait for more hotfixes to make things playable again. Server meshing is a cool piece of tech that has made the world that much more immersive, and despite the bugs I have not seen a single 30k server error since returning. That's impressive.

Of course, if SC isn't fully patched up soon, I'm going to have to play another space sim game.. Because I've got a pair of VKB Gladiator NXT Evo sticks coming my way (happy Saturnalia or whatever.. I barely celebrate my own birthday, so Christmas? Meh).

So I installed Elite Dangerous. I haven't played E.D. in years; Engineering had just become a thing last time I played. I've also got quite the stable of ships; When I had left off I believe I had fully kitted out a Federal Corvette, so.. Yeah. Probably going to need to stick to something smaller until I get re-acquainted with the game (thankfully there are tutorial missions available).

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