Like I covered in my "Go Woke, Go Broke" editorial, there has been some controversy related to Black Myth: Wukong.
As reviews for the game have been trickling out, we've found a lot of general silence about the various controversies associated with the title and developer. Even IGN - who broke the original story about the sexist nature of GameScience - didn't utter a peep about it.
Hell, the only "publication" that I'm aware of that has made any attempt at being "woke" was.. Fucking SCREENRANT?
What's interesting about Screenrant's complaint about the lack of diversity in the game is that it's a pretty reasonable issue: The developers didn't include any of the female characters from the source material, despite them actually being a thing. UPDATE: Now that the game is out and folks are spoilering the hell out of it, there is at least one female boss, so that's something.
How in the hell did one of the Four Horsemen of the Clickbait Apocalypse actually get something right? And no, I'm not going to link to it. Fuck Screenrant.
Anyway, like I said, there's more.. And it will SHOCK YOU!
Actually, no, it won't.
Disclaimer: I haven't done a deep-dive into the authenticity of this, so it's your own damned fault if you build your entire identity off this news and end up having to do an apology tour on Oprah because you exposed yourself outside the crumbling husk of a Blockbuster Video.
Some game influencers have gotten early access to cover the game, and the streaming agreement is.. Interesting. UPDATE: And, it's confirmed, thanks to a Forbes investigation.
First, here's where I grabbed this from.
A screenshot of the document provided to streamers giving them guidelines for what to do - well, mostly NOT do - when streaming.
They really should call it a "don't" list, because the only "do" is "Enjoy the game".
Anyway, there's some average boilerplate stuff, but as you get further down, it gets.. Weird.
They ask that you don't include any politics, violence (err, I guess that means don't actually show the game?), nudity, feminist propaganda, fetishization..
Oh, and no talking about China's game industry policies, opinions, news, etc.
The whole feminist propaganda thing is just.. Ok. Basically, it's barely-coded "don't talk about feminism".
I do wonder about the fetishization thing, though.. I mean.. Do they expect furries to be creaming themselves live on stream or something here? No kink shaming from me, but GameScience provided the keys. You'd think maybe they might vet the streamers enough to not need to include that line, but.. Well, maybe Wukong is really sexy in the game, and most folks won't be able to help themselves?